Training Information

bleep test    marathon training 

Our training runs cater for all abilities, distances and speeds.

Tuesday and Thursday Meeting  at 6.45 pm starting 7pm

Generally from April to September we run in Windsor Great Park, meeting at Savill Gardens Car Park (Wick Lane, Englefield Green, Surrey TW20 0XD), During the winter months we currently run from the Thames Side Brewery in Hale Street at the Lammas entrance to the Two Rivers Shopping centre.

On Tuesday, there is an option to take part in structured interval training run by club coaches.  These are suitable for all abilities, and can really help improve your speed and stamina.

The Thursday meetings generally offer small groups running at various paces, with a recommended routes nominated by the club captain covering all abilities, followed by refreshment (and possibly a curry) in the Brewery afterwards.  There are always club members who are willing to run with new members until they find their feet.

WINTER TRAINING Begins 25th of September 2024 at the Thames Side Brewery (underneath the Smyth Toy shop awning), parking in the Two Rivers carpark is free after 6pm

Occasionally, we may start from a different location if for instance we are doing a hill or track session, please check our member Facebook page or the club calendar for details of the upcoming sessions

SUMMER TRAINING Starts Tue 1st April 2025 at 18:45, left side of Savill Gardens Car Park (see below for details)



Saturday and Sunday at 9:00 am 

These sessions are always run informally and tend to be more social runs, these can also great group sessions for those training for longer races, so when you are having to put in the miles for marathon training its great to run with others and share the experience. These are normally co-ordinated via our members Facebook group (paid members only), and could be subject to cancellation on race days.

As these are in the morning we meet at Savill Gardens, all year round and run in Windsor Great Park, relaxing in the café afterwards for refreshment and a chat.

Many members also parkrun on Saturdays, with our “home” parkrun as Bedfont Lakes, but we do tour to others in the local (and not so local area) with the challenge of finding a good breakfast afterwards.


New Members

New members should either discuss with our membership secretary options to start training or use our Facebook group (paid members only) to organise a run to the times above.

Great Windsor Park

Arrival at Windsor Great Park

If arriving by car you must arrive before last entry of the car park @ 7pm

You must pay for parking (before you leave) or use your parking membership within the park’s rules.

Follow map above for meeting area PARK ON LEFTHAND SIDE.

Whilst running

Respect wildlife in the park

Avoid areas known to be unsuitable (e.g. pinch points) or busy.