Club Rules

Club Rules

The name of the club is Runnymede Runners.

The object of the club is to promote running at all levels

The colour of the club is blue

Prospective members must fill in a membership form and pay the subscription to the Membership Secretary. All members must be eligible and agree to abide by the rules of UK Athletics.

The amount payable for membership is determined at the AGM and is payable on election and subsequently on 1st April each following year. The Committee may expel any member whose subscription is three months in arrears providing a month’s notice has been given in writing.

The management of the Club is vested in a Committee of members consisting of a Chairperson, Club Captain, Membership Secretary, Secretary, Treasurer, Welfare Officers, Communications Secretary and Race Secretary, to be elected annually at the AGM, plus officers co-opted at any time thereafter by the Committee, five members to form a quorum. The Committee’s function is to execute the policy determined at the Committee meetings. The Committee will meet a minimum of four times per year. Any club member may attend those meetings to raise issues with prior notice to the Secretary. Any proposal from any member may be put to a vote of attending members and subsequently to a vote at a General Meeting if any member demands this.

A General Meeting of all members shall be held on a weekday evening in April each year to receive annual reports and financial statements and to elect the Committee for the coming year. The Secretary or Chairperson must give every member twenty eight days notice of the meeting and notice of any business which it is desired to place on the agenda must be given in writing to the Secretary or Chairperson at least fourteen days prior to the meeting.

A Special General Meeting must be called by the Secretary or Chairperson within fourteen days of receipt of a requisition in writing signed by ten members of the club fully stating the purposes, reasons and the proposed resolutions, to be brought before such a meeting, and at least ten days notice of a Special General Meeting shall be given by the Secretary or Chairperson to every member of the club.

The Secretary or Chairperson shall give at least seven days notice to every member of the time and place of any General Meeting and the business to be dealt with, and no other business shall be dealt with at any such meeting.

Second claim Runners shall pay the same fees as first claim members. Second claim members have the same entitlement to win the club trophies as first claim members. From 29/04/2019  only first claim runners can hold club records, although second claim runners claims will be listed, as long as they were entered as Runnymede Runners and ran in club colours in the race in which the time was achieved.

No alteration or addition may be made to the rules except by an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting called for the purpose. Notice of any proposed amendment must be given as for notice of General Meetings.

Revised September 2020